The Tarryn Reeves Show
Welcome to "The Tarryn Reeves Show"—the premier podcast for elite entrepreneurs, visionary leaders, and high-impact CEOs ready to elevate their business and life. Hosted by Tarryn Reeves, a multiple international best-selling author (including USA Today), book coach, publisher, and authority-building expert, this podcast is your gateway to transformative stories and actionable strategies that will empower you to lead with purpose and grow your empire.
Tarryn is on a mission to help you unlock your full potential and leverage the power of storytelling to inspire and persuade. Every week, you'll hear candid, thought-provoking interviews with top-tier entrepreneurs, best-selling authors, and industry experts who share their hard-earned insights on entrepreneurship, marketing, and the power of publishing. You'll also discover proven strategies to improve your professional and personal life, helping you achieve balance and long-term success.
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The Tarryn Reeves Show
Mastering Manifestation: Unlocking Your Creative Power
In this episode of The Tarryn Reeves Show, Tarryn is joined by Sterling Mire, a manifestation expert and the creator of the AOM System, to explore the art and science of manifestation.
Sterling shares her transformative approach to manifesting, which goes beyond the Law of Attraction to provide a clear, step-by-step system for creating the life you want. Entrepreneurs and creatives alike will find this episode especially compelling, as it offers a practical guide to harnessing manifestation for personal and professional success.
Sterling’s proven system has been used by global clients, including top companies and celebrities, to achieve tangible results. If you're an entrepreneur looking to unlock your full potential, this episode is packed with valuable insights to help you manifest your dream life and business.
Key Points
- The Difference Between Manifestation and the Law of Attraction: Sterling explains that while the Law of Attraction focuses on visualization, manifestation is a complete process that involves belief shifts, intention, and action to bring desires to reality.
- The Four Steps of Manifestation: Sterling's AOM system breaks down manifestation into four actionable steps: forming an idea, cultivating emotional desire, taking aligned action, and witnessing the materialization of your goals.
- Why Manifestation Often Fails for People: Many fail with manifestation because they lack a complete system. Sterling emphasizes that the AOM system’s step-by-step structure is key to achieving consistent, successful results.
- Sterling’s Journey into Manifestation: Sterling began studying manifestation at age 16, driven by a deep curiosity about the creative process of life. This led her to create the AOM system, which she has used successfully for over 22 years.
- Manifestation Success Stories: the AOM system for helping save her son’s life, illustrating the life-changing impact of the method.
- The Importance of Play and Experimentation in Manifestation: Sterling encourages a playful, experimental approach to manifestation, which removes unnecessary pressure and allows for greater creativity and freedom in the process.
- How Subconscious Beliefs Affect Manifestation: Sterling explains how deeply ingrained beliefs from childhood can unconsciously shape our realities, and how transforming these beliefs is key to manifesting desired outcomes.
- Why 2024 Is a Critical Time for Personal and Collective Evolution: Sterling highlights the unique opportunities of the present time, encouraging listeners to embrace change and manifest their desired lives as the world transitions away from outdated systems.
About the Guest
Sterling Mire is a renowned expert with over 20 years of experience in manifestation, life coaching, and psychology. She developed her unique Art of Manifestation (AOM) System, a groundbreaking approach that empowers people to quickly master manifestation. Sterling is the founder of Get Your Life Now and has worked with prestigious clients like Google, People Magazine, and A-list celebrities. Her work has been featured on E! Entertainment and praised by OK! Magazine. Sterling's book, The AOM System: Manifestation Mastery in 30 Days!, is available on Amazon and Barnes & Noble, and she continues to coach clients globally.
Connect with Sterling:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theaomsystem/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/sterlingAOM
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sterling-mire-20103377/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/getyourlifenow8/
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@manifestyourdreams
Tarryn Reeves: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Tarryn Reeves Show, where your journey to empowerment takes center stage. I'm your host, Tarryn Reeves, bestselling author and publishing expert. Together, we'll dive into the hearts and minds of visionaries, disruptors, and trailblazing leaders to explore the most compelling and thought provoking ideas in life, business, and marketing.
Let's inspire, impact, and ignite. This is the Tarryn Reeves Show.
Good morning, good morning. We are streaming a very early morning session today from Australia, but not so much for my guest Sterling. Sterling Mire is a renowned expert with over 20 years of experience in manifestation, life coaching, and psychology. Now she has [00:01:00] developed a unique art of manifestation, also known as the AOM system, which is a groundbreaking approach that empowers people to quickly master manifestation.
And I think we can all do with a bit of that. Sterling is the founder of Get Your Life Now and has worked with prestigious clients like Google, People Magazine, and A-list celebrities. Her work has been featured on E entertainment and praised by OK Magazine. She has a book called the AOM System Manifestation Mastery in 30 Days.
And I will definitely be getting my copy for my collection. It's available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble and Sterling continues to coach clients globally. Sterling, it's an honor to have you. How are you today?
Sterling Mire: I'm doing great. Thank you so much for having me, Tarryn. I'm, I really appreciate it.
Tarryn Reeves: It is my absolute pleasure.
I couldn't think of a better way to spend my Saturday morning than chatting to you about what's a really important thing for us human beings. Beings manifesting. And we were having a chat before, and you've explained that manifesting is different to the law of attraction. Can you dive into that and [00:02:00] break it down for us and explain what is manifesting?
Why is it, or how is it different to the law of attraction?
Sterling Mire: It's really pretty simple because the law of attraction really emphasizes envisioning what it is that you want. If you're a basketball player, for instance. You may be using the Law of Attraction by imagining really getting that ball in the hoop and playing your best game.
This is all Law of Attraction, which emphasizes the visualization. But manifesting is a little more intricate than that. Although you use visualization and manifesting, you're also creating. You also have a shift in your belief system as well as your philosophy in terms of how life works, what it is to be human, what it is to be a creative human being.
There's four steps. So you're flowing through the four steps of manifesting, which involves number one, an [00:03:00] idea. Number two, having a desire, emotional reaction that supports the idea. Number three is taking action because that desire and that feeling, number two will actually create openings for taking action.
And number four is the manifestation materialization of your original thought. There's intention involved. There's also the process of going through it is more clarified, if you will, than law of attraction. So I think what it does is it combines too a lot of attraction, ideas, and theories, but it builds on it.
I've been studying this since I was 16 years old. I've been studying it my whole life. And what was the impetus for me even writing the book is that there's great knowledge out there. There's a lot of information. I've been studying it all that time. But it was very frustrating because something in me said, there's a lot of truth here and I couldn't [00:04:00] access it for myself.
I used to have these funny little ideas in my head where I felt like, oh, I wish I could take these books and just find a way to open the top of my head and pour all that information in. It's impossible, right? But there was no way for me to really access and embody all of this. Get knowledge and benefit from it.
And that's actually what caused me to write that the book, the AOM System Manifestation Mastery, which is something I've been using for over 22 years. So I was thinking like doing the math because it was like, actually I created it in 1998. But I don't start sharing it with the world until 11 years ago, but it's been extraordinary and it totally works.
It's whole and complete because this is something that everybody one way or another really needs to, in my opinion, embrace because think of it like this, we are creative beings. [00:05:00] So wouldn't it behoove us to master the creative process of our own lives. We are leaders of our lives. We're creators of our lives.
It seems like to me that would be the number one priority is to learn how to create all those things that you want and not the things that you don't want because life is a series of those creations and experiencing those creations. You create and you experience. You create. It could be an idea. It could be a dish.
It could be a song. It could be anything.
Tarryn Reeves: That's right. Amazing. Now, you mentioned that you started studying all this when you were 16 years old. I'm wondering what the catalyst was for that. Was there a particular moment? Is there a story there? What happened to you at 16 that you suddenly went, Oh my gosh, I have to go and explore this amazing thing called manifestation.
Sterling Mire: I think really what it was as a young child, I can remember as far back as whatever, 5, 6, 7, I was always really enthusiastic about life. I was always curious [00:06:00] and inquisitive and I wanted to explore it. I wanted to discover it. And I really wanted to experience it's the fullest version of it. Now I had a sense of this when I was a child.
That kind of enthusiasm brought that sort of interest out of me. So when I became an adult, it's when I started realizing that there's not a lot of rhyme or reason, there's not a lot of logic going on with regards to why things are the way they are in the world. But what I noticed was that, okay, that exists, but it doesn't make sense.
Why are those two people together? Why is that person doing this? How is this? None of it is really logical. There must be a reason though. There must be something underneath it that's worth finding out in terms of how things are getting created because it's not linear. It's not logical. This I was observing.
So there was gotta be some reason for it. So I was [00:07:00] talking to my aunt about this very thing. And she's the one that actually recommended and got me the book called Psycho Cybernetics by Maxwell Mull. And she gave me that and that's where it all really started. And it started answering a lot of questions about this whole creative process.
And I just never stopped studying from there.
Tarryn Reeves: I love that. And it sounds to me like you've got a very curious mind and that you approach life with a lot of curiosity about why things happen, how things happen. And it's obviously served you very, very well. And I love the fact that you just said that it all started with a book that your aunt gave you.
Now, obviously I own a publishing company. I live and read books for a living, but also I'm a massive book nerd. Even when I'm not working. And that is the power of books, right? It can literally change the course of someone's entire life without knowing the author, right? Have you had that experience with your own book when you put it out into the world?
That kind of impact?
Sterling Mire: Yes. [00:08:00] On others? Oh, absolutely. Yeah. It's changed people's lives. And I just remembered this review that was about that long about a woman who actually had my book read my book and attributed the book to her son escaping death, so it's a pretty amazing story, but she attributes the book and the knowledge and the tools that it gave her in order to heal her
son who was on the brink of death. It really is extraordinary, but I credit her for being open to ideas and shifting her perspective and utilizing tools. And what she created with that helps save her son's life.
Tarryn Reeves: And I always say to people that imagine if your book just even changed one life or impacted one person, what a gift to give somebody, because that person would then go on to impact somebody else in some beautiful way.
And then that person that they [00:09:00] impacted will go and do the same. And it's these little lights going off in this beautiful ecosystem across the globe. And it all started at that one pinpoint of something that you were brave enough to share in the book. Now, you said that you wrote the book. Oh, you created the system, but it took you 11 years to then share it.
I wonder why that was. I'm curious.
Sterling Mire: I created the system for myself to achieve the happiness and success that I sought. Again, it was all fueled by my curiosity, my drive, my ambition to live life fully and understand how it works so that I can ensure that for myself, which then again, led to creating the system and that system I utilized in order to create anything that I wanted.
I had an extraordinary As a writer, songwriter, singer, I was on the BBC. I traveled all over the world. I manifested free black BMW convertibles. I manifested free [00:10:00] European trips and I manifested my career working with a major record label, things like that. But it was really interesting because I am such a healthy skeptic that even when I created this system, I tested it for five years
in my own life, and then I logged all the results of 12 months, and then I logged the results of the next 12 months without the AOM system. And I saw such extreme differences. In other words, everything I wanted to happen, happened within those 12 months when I used the system. When I didn't use it, nothing happened.
But it was like, again, so such a healthy skeptic. I did this for four months. Five years before I could see these black and white differences. The contrast is unmistakable. Then I took on 15 people for a test group and like a blind study test group. And I wanted to see how that would work with them. And this was during a time when I was in the studio.
So this was a great hobby of mine [00:11:00] that really turned into a career. So I was in the studio and I was writing and recording. So I was there and I was able to lead this group for 12 months and logged the results, which were incredible and extraordinary. And from there, they continued on without me because I had to go on tour.
And I said, well, you're free and welcome to do whatever you would like to do at this point. And they continued on and they grew that group because it was so life changing. Do
Tarryn Reeves: you know what I love so much about this approach, Sterling, is that manifestation is such a buzzword in the Spiritual world. Just the thrown around thing and everyone's apparently, I manifested this.
I love that you have tested it on yourself. You've logged results over a two year period. You've done a test group. This is a proven system that you know works, which is obviously why you're so confident in fronting it. And. Thank you for doing the work to actually go, well, this works. Here you go. There's a lot of people out there, but they're just like, Oh, I'm a manifestation coach and you're like, what does that kind of [00:12:00] mean?
And unfortunately the industry is very much like that, right? What do you think are some common misconceptions that you've seen over your 20 years of playing in this arena that people have about manifesting?
Sterling Mire: This is a great question because. First of all, the information that I've studied that other people are talking about, and we can go back a long time in history.
I'll just go back a hundred something years, right? With the science of getting rich by Wallace. Napoleon Hill think and grow rich then you have people like Deepak Chopra. You have Dr. Wayne Dyer. You have so many people talking on this and now Jim Carrey talking about it. Here's the thing. This is nothing new.
This is all information that's really been here since It's the beginning of time, it goes back so far, as far as we're concerned, it goes back [00:13:00] then. But really, no, this is old information. As time rolls on, people are putting it, the same information, in more modern terms, okay? But it doesn't change the same problem that I was having, and that other people are having.
And so many people have a problem with manifesting and say they don't. It doesn't work because they don't have a system that makes all the difference in the world. This system, I don't even credit myself for this system. I'm not perfect, but this system seems to be because it's gotten 100 percent success rate with all my clients.
You use that system and couple it with my support in coaching. They always have 100 percent success rate. So the information itself is also flawless. But it's got to be put in a way that it's accessible in a step by step way that it's accessible because you learn from experience and concepts [00:14:00] remain in a book and it's great food for thought.
It's great diet. thought food, right? It just doesn't change your life. That's the only problem because it remains a concept and we cannot learn without experience. That's what makes all the difference. And I tell people don't give up on manifesting. It absolutely does work. You just need not the knowledge, but the tools and something to apply like a step by step, something that leads to All the guests were out and that's what this is and I say that because I'm an empath.
I'm intuitive. I'm an empath and I feel for people out there because I was that person crying in my books going. I wish I had this to say for myself. I wish I could lick this and I can't figure out how to do it. You know, so I was that person too.
Tarryn Reeves: So would you say the AOM system is different from other manifestation modalities or techniques, whatever you want to call it, because it [00:15:00] is a framework that if you follow the balancing ball, if you follow step one, followed by step two, followed by step three, you will have results?
Sterling Mire: Yeah,
Tarryn Reeves: there's
Sterling Mire: a lot of trendy modalities out there if you want to call it the 365 or 55 times 5 things that I've actually done videos on my YouTube channel, but there are some things out there. The problem is they're incomplete. They're not whole and complete. The AOM system is whole and complete. In other words, they're incomplete at one point or another.
You're going to be stumped. You're not going to have the clarity. You're going to have failure. You're not going to be able to figure out how to move forward. You're going to hit what I call those dandy ends. Where you then you get frustrated and you give up and you might even go, hey, I manifested this thing.
It must work. And now I can't do it through this method. That was working. I'm sure there's a lot of that out there and then you get frustrated and you give up and you just. Overall, feel like you've failed at it. Well, the thing [00:16:00] is that we're always manifesting and we're always creating. We're either doing it consciously or unconsciously, so I'm not saying you can't manifest something without anything you're manifesting all the time.
It just may not be what you actually want. And that's the difference. Because there was me sitting on my couch reflecting on my life and going, why is it that the good stuff that I want is so minuscule in comparison to all the things I don't want? There doesn't even seem to be a balance, let alone having just what I want.
That would be amazing. I didn't even know that was possible until the system came through me. I used it. I've been doing it now 22, 23 years. So I think the jury's out. It does work. And I'm so grateful because I was very disappointed. I was upset. I was depressed. I was anxious. I was lost. I was confused. I really didn't want to be on this planet.
I had a lot of issues [00:17:00] and a lot of trauma. Who does it? Everybody does. Okay. So I'm not saying I'm special in that way, but I'm just saying that it's painful living a life like that. And I wanted to live a A life that not only consisted of the things that I truly want, but I also wanted to end that kind of pain.
And so through this system, yes, it does provide the happiness and success that we all want. And even though we all have our own different versions of happiness and success, some people still. Success is doing what they love for a living and some people's success is retiring on an island in Hawaii, you know, whatever.
Right. So everybody's entitled to whatever their dream and desire is the way I see it is that you have a desire. That is your destiny. You're here to fulfill on that purpose. That is yours. It's got your name on it, but you have free will and you can take yourself off path and you can, you know, or you can stunt those kind, the growth.
[00:18:00] In your life that you were always intended for, but nobody wants to do that. But that's what we do. We exercise that free will and we get in our own way because we don't know any other way around it. We just don't have that clarity when I have the tools around the path, but we're all here to live this glorious life by discovering what our purpose is and flourishing in it.
And being creative inside of that purpose, which does create abundance and all wonderful things in our lives because we're honoring ourselves. We're aligned with the truth of ourselves. And when we do that, it's what I call being authentic and therefore everything. Shows up that is authentic and life is a win win and life is a heaven on earth kind of experience for yourself and others when we all we need is this there is no lack [00:19:00] when we work with this and we just concern ourselves with this all of this around us transforms and that we need to just get all this stuff working and then we'll be your pain now it's just here and then it shows Beautifully around us
Tarryn Reeves: I love that so much because it's a remembering of how powerful you are as a creative being.
And it's a choice to manifest consciously. It gives us back that choice and that power, whereas we may tend to forget that. And a perfect example is this. You roll out of bed in the morning, and I do this all the time. So guilty. Put my hand up. I roll out of bed in the morning. I haven't had much sleep because my one year olds kept me up.
Most of the night and I'm in a bad mood because I'm tired and everything starts to go wrong from there. That is subconsciously manifesting. I'm going, Oh, I'm so tired. And I'm in a bad mood. And then one of the kids will spill their drink and then we're running late for school and then there's traffic.
And then my mood just gets gradually worse. And those thoughts start going around like, Oh, this is just. Such a shit [00:20:00] day. What is going on? What is wrong with these people? I mean, I usually get halfway through the day and I go, Whoa, no wonder everything's going wrong. Look at your state of mind. Like you are choosing to stay in this energy.
How about we go, actually, you know what? Let's write off the morning. That was not great, but how are we going to move into the afternoon? And it's that remembering to go, Oh, hang on. I have a choice. So the beautiful thing about manifestation is it puts you back in the driver's seat of your purpose of your life, of your mission, of whatever it is that you're trying to do with yourself.
And I think that's such a gift that whatever created us has allowed us access to.
Sterling Mire: And I love what you said about things going in the wrong direction and how it would gain this momentum and everything would worsen and it would just continue that way. Right? Which is very interesting because you are that powerful that you can create that.
You got to think, what if I created that? That, but that which [00:21:00] consisted of what I wanted, yeah, and use that same power within you to create, but apply it to only that, which you truly want that would be extraordinary. And had clients tell me my kids are different. They were so crazy and chaotic in the morning and everything was a nightmare because we're talking about children in the morning and stuff.
They say like, now they're like, mom, do you want me to make you breakfast? I cleaned my room and they're like, who are these kids and why are they like this? And I said, because you transformed and you have no idea how powerful you are. We don't know how powerful we are. We think we're powerless. We see our life.
Oh, it's hopeless. It's powerless. I'm just like I want and I try and I want and I try and it's like no, but it's not about wanting and trying. Yeah, and that's the thing you that person is I'm talking to my old former self to now [00:22:00] talking to those people out there that might be feeling that way. It's just you need some tools.
You need some knowledge. You need a roadmap. Because I feel that frustration. I understand it's more than just desire. And it's more like more than just saying, I try and do everything right. I'm a good person and still my life. That's a horrible feeling to have, but it's only because that knowledge and that information and those tools are missing.
And it's just the same. That small modification can change your entire life. That's why I'm passionate about what I'm talking about, because I know that there's an answer and it's much more easier and accessible than people realize. But because wouldn't it be beautiful, Tarryn, if the whole world was thriving in their purpose and it was this heaven on earth experience for everybody.
Tarryn: Yeah. There's
Sterling Mire: no lack. There's just this [00:23:00] incredible purpose and contribution that all, like, flows in this symbiotic kind of energy, this sort of dance in life. And I believe right now, this particular moment, 2024, is a lot about evolving as people and discovering ways that work and getting rid of the old structures that don't work anymore.
Thank you. And getting to what does work, but guess what happens before that shift, we come up with a lot of challenges. We have a lot of chaos. We have a lot of endings and things like that happening in our lives. Because it's all in step with letting go of what doesn't work and welcoming in what does work, right?
So if your world consisted of your, let's just use your a house for an analogy to represent your life. And this [00:24:00] house is decrepit and it doesn't work and it leaks and it's problematic and we're all all over the world aware of what's not working in the world. We're very clear about that. All of us are.
This just does not work. Right? So there you are in this house that just doesn't work. And it may be worked at some other time, maybe 100 or 200 years ago or 50 years ago or whatever, but it just doesn't. It's time for it to like, be raised. It's time for it to be taken apart, dismantled and discarded up and build something new.
You know, well, that process is. Yeah, it's work and it's a little uncomfortable and it's change and it's letting go of stuff that we got attached to. Well, there's this threat this amount. I like about the house and everything. And but if you have the whole process can be a lot easier. Of course, if you have the tools and the knowledge, and you also know that the house that you're going to build is going to be Much better [00:25:00] more appropriate much functioning on this higher level.
It's just going to be beautiful and perfect. And that's the opportunity that those challenges bring us. So it's time for us to grow and people don't like change, but we change our clothes. We change our underwear. I hope we change the foods we eat. We change. The channel. So we're not that foreign from change.
We can expand on our love of change.
Tarryn Reeves: I'm like, and on your love of change, because that's what the opportunities are, right?
Sterling Mire: Well, yeah, the thing is about change, people don't like the unknown about change. When you're manifesting, you know where you're going.
Tarryn Reeves: Do you know what I love so much about that knowing of manifestation is that you have to literally believe within your [00:26:00] very core being that it's going to happen.
Like there's that knowing. And I feel like for me, I don't know your system, but that's the, always the final piece for me. And the only thing I'm going to be completely honest that I actually met, how do I wear this? The only thing that I manifest on the regular without fail. is car parking spaces in front of where I want to be.
And I joke with my daughter who's eight, we call them the parking fairies. And I'm always, we're on our way to wherever we're going. I'm like, all right, let's ask the parking fairies. There's going to be a park right out the front. And I let go and Serena and I go, I know that there is a car park for me out the front.
And I think it's been once that there hasn't been one. It's laughable how, It happens every single time. And we always go, thanks, parking fairies, is what we call just as a joke with the kids. But that's such a simple example. But every time I go out, it's going to be a park. And then, and then I'm in that mood, you know, I'm in that bad space and it's like other things are going on and then there's no park and I'm like, Ugh.
Why? Why is [00:27:00] there no park? What do you believe is going on in that experience? Because you're the expert here. I'm just someone who dabbles.
Sterling Mire: It's great that you brought that up because it's more common than you realize, but it is an experiment and experience at both that same Latin word. You know, I love both of them because when we conduct an experiment, we create an experience and an outcome.
Okay. And in your case, Your experiment was I'm going to say I have a great parking space. The parking fairy is going to provide. Right. And this is something that you experienced initially with a certain level of truth and belief that it is true.
Tarryn Reeves: Yes,
Sterling Mire: right. And then it just built on itself until. You know, it's just a certainty.
It's going to be on a possibility. It's got to be on a belief. It's [00:28:00] just gotten into that, which is a certainty. Yeah. And there's just don't doubt it. There it is. But it's a perfect example. And it's no different if you're going to manifest it. You can manifest your soulmate, you can manifest your dream job, you can manifest money and homes and free European vacations like I did.
What I'm saying here is that those limitations are self created. They don't actually exist. They do not exist. They only exist if we say so. So you manifesting a parking space. It's no different than manifesting a soulmate or free black BMW convertible or a dream job or millions and billions of dollars, whatever.
It's the same. The only difference is that we have created this idea that that's a big deal. That's a little deal. [00:29:00] That's hard. That's easy, but we have to really be willing to let those beliefs. Go away. When I work with people, the first thing we do is get rid of what I call constraints and limitations.
That's a constraint. That's a limitation that is self created. And because we created it, we've proven it's true over and over, but it's not true. It just happened that way because we said so, because we created it to be that way. Oh, that's hard. You're going to have the experience that that's hard only because you said so.
When I'm doing yoga, I like to play with what I'm talking about here because when I get to do the tree pose, like, you know, Pull my leg up way high on the thigh and I'm standing there and I'm so wobbly, right? And I'm like, Oh my God, I'm gonna fall. I was like, Oh, and I do. And then I [00:30:00] go, okay, let's watch this.
Watch this. All right. And I get back in a position and I go, I got this. You got this. I got this. You got this. Whatever. Right. You got this. You got this. I don't fall. Yeah, happens every time I like to play with that and also remember that how powerful that is. Yeah, and I can look at this. I mean, I'm proving it to myself and I'm just observing it.
I'm not. I'm not pushing it, I'm not causing it, I'm not making it happen that way, you know what I mean, because actually it's not like I can make myself wobbly and I can make myself balanced without creating it, do you understand what I meant to say, without creating it, like that is purely me. From creation.
So I emphasize this because I really would love for people to recognize how powerful they are. And when you take responsibility for that power, you're not [00:31:00] only creating incredibly incredible things for yourself, but you're also helping others when you reclaim that power and you're taking responsibility for it.
This is a transformed planet. As soon as we do that. And it's easy to say, no, I did not create that because I was so nice that, yeah, I talk about this in my book. I'm sitting at the light, red light, right? And I'm just singing a song and I'm super happy and I get rear ended,
Tarryn: right?
Sterling Mire: I did not create that. I'm doing everything I'm supposed to do.
I'm How would I have created that? I'm happy. I'm not being negative. That was something, that was a question a long, long time ago. What I discovered was that it went back to the sentence I created, the truth I created about myself. Which happened when my stepfather entered into the picture and my mom [00:32:00] remarried.
And this guy was always giving me a hard time or whatever. Right. So what did I do? I said to myself, I'm that person. I'm that person where I do things the right way, or I am innocent. Bad things happen to me. Yeah. And I didn't realize. You know, doing this work, that that was what I had created and what was dictating my whole life.
Tarryn: And once
Sterling Mire: I realized that's how I, well, it's a perfect statement for getting rear ended. Yes, I'm doing what I'm supposed to do. I'm sitting in the like. It's perfect for my story. I'm a good person and bad things are happening to me and I'm doing the best I can or whatever, right? There it is. And that's exactly why and how I created that.
And once I discovered it and transform it, never happened again.
Tarryn Reeves: Yeah,
Sterling Mire: I would have some weird occurrence like that.
Tarryn Reeves: It [00:33:00] was your underlying subconscious belief that you'd created years and years and years before that was still lying there and subconsciously manifesting these other things around you, right?
Is that what you're saying? Oh yeah. I created it then.
Sterling Mire: Yes. And I believed it. Yes. And I guess that's just how my life goes or that's the way it shows up. That must be the way it is. That's what's been happening. That must be the way it is. That's what I believe. Right. And then from there, I kept having strange occurrences where I'm like, see, again, I just was being so innocent and with good intentions.
Totally. I'm a victim, right? So I'm a victim because I'm doing all that. These bad things are happening to me. And it's frustrating, it's upsetting, but there it is, and then it keeps getting created. I had no idea I was creating this. [00:34:00] So when that got transformed, I never felt like a victim in life anymore because those things stopped happening to me.
Tarryn Reeves: Yes.
Sterling Mire: They stopped
Tarryn Reeves: really happening to you. Is it everything's happening for you? You have the option to change your perspective on that.
Sterling Mire: Yeah, well, of course. So I transformed that belief into I'm an awesome person and I'm happy and wonderful things happen. For me all the time. Great gratitude is abundant.
I'm abundant. Everything is wonderful. You know, there's a lot of things that I create, but that's, that's my general belief now compared to what it was.
Tarryn Reeves: Yeah, yeah, that a key part of the manifestation process is being willing to stay in that what I would call playful experimentation stage of your manifestation.
Sterling Mire: I always say have fun when you [00:35:00] conduct this work as an experiment It helps you to take the over significance out of the equation And it gives you access to create and play create and play don't those almost sound like the same words? Well, they should be because we're creating all the time and that is play and it's a falsehood that That any of this is overly significant that work has to be hard that life has to be hard that it's play is rare.
We know people that have lived extraordinary lives where they look like their job is play. They're having so much fun. Fun. I mean, look at standup comedians. They seem to be having a pretty good time, right? They're being playful, right? There's no reason why we can't do that regardless if you're a stay at home mom or you're an accountant or even if you're a lawyer or doctor.
Robin Williams did the film, you [00:36:00] know, Patch Williams being that doctor who's always having fun around people. Dying children, right? So there's no excuse for ever being too significant. In fact, we really want to be both significant and insignificant at the same time, which is harmony. It's like ego and spirit coexisting at the same time.
We want to balance with the two contrasts and a lot of people ask. Why do we even have to have these, if life is meant to be this heaven on earth, the kind of experience of where do we have all these undesirable things? I'd call them because there's nothing really bad or wrong in the world, but I call it undesirable.
Yeah, and that's because. it means to exist, doesn't have to exist in your world, but it means to exist somewhere in the world so that you have it as a comparison. You need the contrast for something to exist, [00:37:00] right? The
Tarryn Reeves: light without the dark, that kind of a concept. Yeah,
Sterling Mire: absolutely. So you wouldn't know
Tarryn Reeves: what light is because it would just be your thing all the time.
Sterling Mire: Yeah, it would cease to even exist. Then talk about that in the book, right? If you have 72 degrees Fahrenheit weather, beautiful, right? Perfect. Ideal day 24 7. and then somebody said, this is beautiful weather. You'd be like, what is that? There is no such thing as weather because this is all I know. This is all I've ever known.
Yes. I can't experience the beauty of this day. This weather
Tarryn Reeves: was sad. Wouldn't it?
Sterling Mire: Yeah. And we do need to lighten up. We take life way too seriously. This is a game. It's a party. It's an amusement park. Go have fun. Ride the rise. Enjoy. [00:38:00] It's going to be a short, it's going to be a short trip. Anyways. It doesn't matter if you're 150 or you're 50 or you're 25, it's all short.
So don't take it too seriously. Enjoy it and have fun. fun and don't worry. These times were and people are very tense. It's a lot of change. It's unpredictability. And that's why I say throw yourself in manifesting because if you're manifesting your life, you have nothing to fear. My clients say, I don't even fear death anymore.
They're fearless about life. And then therefore that's when the real fun begins.
Tarryn Reeves: Oh, gosh, I love the perspective and what a beautiful way to start my day, Sterling. Thank you so much. You know, that concept of create and play, go out and have fun. Don't take things too seriously. Stay in that playful experimentation and you have a choice to manifest whatever it is that you want and [00:39:00] what a powerful tool to have in your tool belt as a human being in this time, I guess, in any time.
Now, before we go. We have a tradition on this podcast called the book drop where I want to know what book or maybe two books have changed or impacted your life. And we've spoken about a few books already in this conversation, but maybe one that's really impacted your life on a personal level or even a professional level.
Sterling Mire: It's a little bit like saying, you know, what's your favorite song, but I will say this, I have, and this is something a lot of people don't know about me, but I have a real passion for autobiographies.
Tarryn Reeves: Wow. Okay.
Sterling Mire: Autobiographies, not biographies, but autobiographies, right? Yeah, it
Tarryn Reeves: was a big difference.
Sterling Mire: And I love hearing people's stories through these autobiographies because they've lived this extraordinary life that [00:40:00] is worth documenting, worth reading, worth exploring.
And I also love it because I can see how different these people are, but the commonalities, they're all brilliant at manifesting. And I also discovered it's usually three ways. They either came into the world with this intuitive knowing about manifesting and nobody knocked it out of them, or they had this extraordinary families that told them how extraordinary they were and how they could do anything and make any dream come true.
So, this incredible brainwashing, or they're, like, in the 3rd category, which is. Phyllis Diller, who is a famous comedian. I love her story because she is the 3rd manifestor or way. Okay, back it up people that [00:41:00] I've read about in autobiographies. Right? They fit into those three categories. You may not know who she is, but really short story on her.
She was a housewife in the fifties. I want to say late fifties, like 55 and her husband could never keep a job. And she had five children and one was special needs.
Tarryn: And
Sterling Mire: so that was her situation at 38 years old. And a 38 years old back then was like. 50, it was, I mean, it's up there. Yes. It's a whole different world.
Right? Like back then. So there she was, and she got this part time job because her husband could never get a job. And she saw the magic of believing, which was written in the 50s. On her boss's bookshelf and she took it and she read it and she poured herself into it [00:42:00] and became one of the first famous female standup comedians at a time when it was completely dominated by men.
There were virtually no female standup comedians. Back then and she did all that and then she wrote her book when she was 88 and she spent a whole chapter talking about the magic of believing and manifesting and how she manifested her life and how she Continues to manifest her life. It's a beautiful story And I think that Imagine the obstacle she had that willpower that drive that passion coupled with that information in that book and she was unstoppable.
She made it happen and everybody can do that. Everybody can do that. And most people don't have those kind of circumstances, but even if you did. [00:43:00] You can still do it.
Tarryn Reeves: Yeah. Oh, that's amazing. I, I haven't, I've never heard of her, but it's definitely a story that I would like to read. And I'm sure the people watching and listening are gonna be like, Oh, I need to jump on that.
So Sterling, thank you so much for your time. And I have gained so much from speaking to you. And I know the listeners and watchers will as well. I am going to pop all of your links. If you guys want to go and play with Sterling, Get the AOM system happening because who doesn't need that in their life?
Who doesn't want that in their life? And those will all be available in the show notes. Sterling, thank you so much for spending your time with me today.
Sterling Mire: Thank you. It's been an honor and a privilege. Thank you so much, Tarryn.
Tarryn Reeves: I appreciate it.
That's a wrap on today's episode. If you love the insights and inspiration, don't let it end here. Hit subscribe to stay connected and turn your visions into reality alongside our community of [00:44:00] changemakers. I'm Tarryn Reeves. Thank you for joining me. And remember, your story has power. See you in the next episode.